A cell phone data plan is part of a cell phone service provider's monthly plans offered to those who have an Internet-ready cell phone.
Many smart phones are able to access the latest high-speed networks offered by companies, such as Verizon Wireless. The data plan is determined by the service provider and allows the user to access the Internet and web browsing without Wi-Fi access.
Most data plans cost around $30 U.S. a month, in addition to standard rate plans and fees for calls and text messages. The plan also usually limits the user to a certain amount of bandwidth or upload/download rates per month.
If you have a smartphone, these plans can be good if you plan on accessing email and the Internet on a daily basis from your phone. Examples of phones that are designed for data plans include the iPhone and the Blackberry.
A cell phone data plan allows smart phones to access the full Internet directly from the phone itself. Cell phone service providers allow data uploads and downloads on their cellular network, allowing plan users to access the web anywhere a cell phone signal can be accessed. This differs from Wi-Fi in that the Internet is accessed directly through the cell phone network.
Benefits Cell phone data plans can be a great deal for those who need to access various email accounts, check on information online or who enjoy being always connected to their online lives.
You can access the web anywhere that the smartphone gets Internet access. This can be excellent for getting directions, downloading files and staying current on everything from world news to your MySpace friends.
Considerations Unlimited cell phone data plans are offered by some service providers. These are recommended for heavy users of data plans and Internet access.
However, for moderate or light users of mobile Internet technology, a cheaper data plan is recommended. Some cell phone service providers have made a minimum monthly data plan a requirement with the purchase of a smartphone.
The average user should not go over the data limits stated in the plan rate, but heavy users will want to ask about unlimited plans to avoid expensive overages.
Potential Cell phone data plans have become almost a necessity for those wanting to unlock the full potential of the smartphones, such as the Apple iPhone and the Research in Motion
Data plans also allow users to turn their cell phone into a high-speed modem, allowing them to connect a laptop or desktop to the data network via USB or Bluetooth. The computer can then use the cell phone as a modem.
Pricing The average price for a cell phone data plan is around $30 in the United States. Some companies, such as Verizon Wireless, require at least a minimum data plan with their smart phones and other companies may require the same.
A data plan price can vary greatly, depending on the cell phone service provider, the amount of use and the phone itself. You may pay anywhere from $5 a month for a bare basic access plan (allowing limited browsing of certain sites) or upward of $75 to $100 a month for unlimited data plans that allow full access to everything the Internet has to offer.
The handset itself may determine which price you pay, as smartphones can handle the higher priced and fuller feature data plans while traditional handsets may barely be able to access the basic limited Internet plans.
Warning Watch out for overage fees associated with using too much bandwidth during a monthly billing period. You may pay $30 a month for a data plan, but if you exceed the bandwidth limit in a month, the overage fees could easily double that price for the month.
Also, while data access over a cellular network may be slightly more secure than over an unsecured wireless network, it still is not as secure as a cable or DSL-based Internet connection. Use caution when accessing sites such as online banking websites on the smartphone.