Verizon Wireless data packages, or plans, are part of a customer's service agreement that gives access to data, such as the Internet and email, through the company's wireless network. Verizon's data plans are available with varying amounts of data, measured in megabytes, which is received or sent from a wireless device, including cell phones and multimedia phones. Verizon offers stand-alone data plans and plans that combine data, cellular and messaging services.
Verizon requires its customers who use 3G smartphones or multimedia phones to purchase a data plan. Smartphones require a higher data plan due to their faster processors and high-end operating systems. Multimedia phones resemble smartphones, but come with slower processors, smaller screens and fewer features than smartphones. Verizon does not require data plans for feature phones, such as cell phones and other devices that come with fewer features than a multimedia phone. Though not mandatory, Verizon also offers data packages for tablet computers, such as the iPad, and netbooks.
Plans Verizon Wireless data plans are available in three categories: individual, family and mobile broadband. Individual and family plans give you the option of combining data access with cellular talk and messaging services for a discounted price.
Customers can also pay for data usage on a per-megabyte basis with individual and family plans. Designed for customers who use high-end devices and require large amounts of data, mobile broadband plans offer multiple levels of data access, such as 1, 3 and 10 GB. Per-gigabyte charges apply for usage that exceeds the monthly allotment on broadband mobile plans.
Usage Verizon Wireless allows its customers to monitor the amount of data used at any given time using several methods, such as through the customer's online account or directly from the mobile device. From inside the customer online account, data usage is checked by viewing the "Data usage" portion of the "My usage" page. To monitor data usage from the mobile device, the "My Verizon Mobile" app, available from the company's website, must be installed. Dialing "DATA" (3282) from the device's phone will also provide data usage information.
Miscellaneous Detailed information and a summary of data usage are offered by Verizon Wireless through customers' online accounts or on paper bills, if chosen to be received by the customer. The detailed information portion of these reports includes itemization of downloaded content, such as apps, ringtones and wallpapers. Customers who use Android-based devices can also access this information through a widget that is available from the Android Marketplace.