Sometimes you may want to set up Excel 2007 to add, multiply, divide or subtract rows or columns automatically. Other times, you may want the program to automatically average or calculate more complex equations when you insert new data into your worksheet. You can set up formulas for this purpose, all of which follow the same basic principles.
Things You'll Need: Excel 2007, A PC.
1. Click the cell where you want to display the results.
2. Press "=" on your keyboard to start a formula.
3. Add a parenthesis and the name of the first cell you want to include in your formula. For example, your formula to this point should look something like this: =(A1
4. Add the operator -- "+," "-," "*" or "/" -- you want this formula to perform. For example, =(A1+
5. Type the location of the next cell for your formula and repeat Steps 3 and 4 -- minus the parenthesis -- until you have listed all the cells you want to include in your formula. For example, =(A1+A2+B1+B2+C1+C2
6. Add a closing parenthesis and press "Enter." Your results should appear.