A spreadsheet allows data analysts to organize large amounts of data. One of the most popular spreadsheet applications is Microsoft Excel. Users like the application due to its evolved functionality. One example of Excel's functionality is the ability to merge cell values into one cell. To be clear, Excel does not simply allow you to merge the cells, but it allows you to merge the contents of the cell. The process can shave hours off the data manipulation process.
1. Open the worksheet that contains the cell values you want to merge.
2. Select the new cell you want to merge the contents of both cells into.
3. Type the equal sign followed by an open parenthesis. The equation looks like this (without the period): =(.
4. Select the first cell containing the value or text you want to combine after the open parenthesis, and then type the ampersand sign followed by a quote, a space and then another ampersand. The equation looks like this (without the period): =(cell 1&" "&.
5. Select the cell you want to combine after the ampersand. If you are trying to merge cell A1 and A2, the equation in the new cell is: =(A1&" "&A2). Be sure to leave a space between the quotes.
6. Select another cell to merge the cell contents of more than two cells using the same logic. For instance, if you want to merge the contents of cell A3 to A1 and A2, the equation is: =(A1&" "&A2&" "A3). If you do not want to add a space between the text, remove the quotes.
7. Press "Enter" to see the results of the new cell formula.