Wednesday, February 29, 2012

The FP (2012)

After hometown hero BTRO is slain on the dance platform by trash-talking thug leader L Dubba E, his protege little brother JTRO vows never to duel again and vanishes into self-imposed isolation. A year later, he's located by distressed former gang-mate KC/DC and learns of the desperate state of The FP. Not only is the neighborhood in pieces; the villainous L Dubba E has his claws on Stacey, JTRO's ultimate crush. There's no other choice; our hero must return to restore order and regain the pride of his hometown. KC/ DC enlists guru BLT to school JTRO in the sacred art of ancient "Beat-Beat" technique via rigorous training sequences. Eventually, JTRO defeats enough
low-ranking challengers to earn his cage match with Dubba E, and hopefully win back The FP along with the heart of Stacey.
After hometown hero BTRO is slain on the dance platform by trash-talking thug leader L Dubba E, his protege little brother JTRO vows never to duel again and vanishes into self-imposed isolation. A year later, he's located by distressed …

In Theaters
March 16, 2012
MPAA Rating R (for pervasive language, sexual content, some nudity and brief drug material)
Genres Musical/Performing Arts, Dance, Comedy
Distributors Drafthouse Films
Run Time 1 hour 23 minutes