The year is 1984 and, somewhere along the rural East Coast of New Zealand, lives Boy who idolizes pop star Michael Jackson. Boy lives with his brother Rocky, a clan of cousins and his Nan. Boy also idolizes his father, Alamein, who is the heroic subject of his son’s fantasies, but, in reality, he is serving time in prison for robbery. When Alamein returns home after a 7-year absence, Boy must let go of the father of his dreams to face reality.
The year is 1984 and, somewhere along the rural East Coast of New Zealand, lives Boy who idolizes pop star Michael Jackson. Boy lives with his brother Rocky, a clan of cousins and his Nan. Boy also idolizes his father, Alamein, who …
In Theaters
March 2, 2012
MPAA Rating Not Rated
Genres Foreign, Drama
Run Time 1 hour 27 minutes