This week “American Idol” features three episodes – one guys performance, one girls performance, and one results show. When the guys took to the stage to sing for fan votes, Idol aired episode 400!
Last week Idol revealed the top 24 singers but left a cliff hanger announcement that one of the guys who was eliminated would be brought back to make 13 guys. That guy was to be announced on the Tuesday show, and to ensure the surprise the studio was cleared in order to let the mystery man rehearse with the band.
A dressed down Ryan Seacrest was greeted by a rousing crowd just before presenting the
new stage.On Thursday after everyone has performed, the top five vote getters from each group plus two “wild cards” picks by the judges will make up the 12 finalists.
This week the song choice is open. Prior to returning to Hollywood, each singer took a video camera home with them.
First up was Reed Grimm with “Moves Like Jagger”. Reed played a little drums while performing. Not even mic problems stopped Reed from entertaining the crowd. Randy said that he was glad Reed was bold enough to start out the night adding it was a nice choice with the percussions and scatting. Jennifer said it was a great way to show America who they were dealing with in Reed. Steven loved the jazz and Reed’s voice.
Adam Brock, who calls himself white chocolate and there is a large black woman trapped inside his body sang “Think” by Aretha Franklin. Adam had a Pittsburgh Steeler Terrible Towel in his back pocket. Steven said Adam set the bar high right out of the box adding the performance was brilliant. Jennifer loved the big finish, adding that Adam definitely delivered. Randy loved the seventies throwback vibe.
DeAndre Brackensick made a perfect choice to show off his falsetto voice with “Reasons” by Earth Wind and Fire. Jennifer kept screaming DeAndre’s name and said his voice is perfect to her. Steven called DeAndre’s voice beautiful and as the fans were screaming he said I told you this was going to happen. Randy said DeAndre is the most commercial voice he’s seen and that DeAndre is ready to go right now. Randy said that he is pulling for DeAndre and loves him.
Tennessee’s Colton Dixon started out on the piano as he sang performing Paramore’s “Decode” but quickly grabbed the mic to rock the stage and the piano top. Randy was happy that Colton came back; adding that it was about time Idol had its own indie alt rocker. Jennifer loves Colton’s heart in his music; adding that he is a relevant artist. Steven said Colton showed his true talent and that he is truly a relevant artist today.
Florida’s own Jeremy Rosado showed off his softer side by performing a Sara Bareilles song. Steven said that the performance was beautiful; adding that Jeremy couldn’t have picked abetter song. Steven told Jeremy that he had a big heart and for that Jeremy should be an “American Idol”. Jennifer said that Jeremy was blessed and his voice draws people in. Randy said that America needs to know about Jeremy; adding that he was impressed with the tender moments and the booming vocals.
Aaron Marcellus performed the Jacksons song “Never Can Say Good-bye” and received a standing ovation from the judges. Randy said, “that’s how you sing some vocals,” adding Aaron sang like an old school veteran with beautiful vocals. Jennifer said that Aaron could sing anything; and Steven said that Aaron had the whole package.
Marshall University student and this season’s country boy Chase Likens sang “Storm Warning” by Hunter Hays. Steven welcomed Chase to “American Idol”. Jennifer said Chase showed American who he is. Randy noted that Chaser had range, skills, and was good looking.
Son of a preacher man Creighton Fraker performed on the streets of New York City before hitting the Idol stage and singing the Cyndi Lauper hit “True Colors”. Jennifer said that she doesn’t want Creighton to go home; adding that it was the perfect song for him and that he had beautiful dynamics. Steven called the performance stupendous and Creighton put the song over the top. Randy said that Creighton has got the voice and can definitely sing.
Phillip Phillips donned his guitar to perform his own unique version of the Phil Collins song “In the Air Tonight”. Jennifer said America should know the name Phillip Phillips; calling him one of the most special talents we found. Steven said that Phillip has a crazy kind of voice; adding that Phillip hit his stride tonight. Randy proclaimed that he was Phillip’s biggest fan but was not jumping up and down over the version of the song Phillip chose. Phillip senior – Dad – said Phillip blew it out.
Fifteen year old Eben Franckewitz chose a song from Adele – “Set Fire to the Rain”. Randy said that Eben was cool, calm, and collected; adding that why it wasn’t perfect, he nailed the song at the end. Jennifer agreed with Randy adding that Eben was aware of what he was doing. Steven said Eben had a true straight beautiful voice and suggested that Eben listen to some blues records.
Heejun Han sang “Angels” by Sarah McLachlan. All three judges reflected the same remarks in that while Heejun can sing; they didn’t feel he made the right song choice.
Joshua Ledet – also known as Mantasia – chose a song by a fellow Idol, Jennifer Hudson’s “You Pulled Me Through”. In his video package Joshua begged Randy to, “help a brother out” and invite him to dinner. Randy and Joshua both hail from Louisiana. Joshua received a standing ovation from the judges for his performance. Randy, “can I get an amen up in here?” Randy said, “This is what singing is all aobut.” Jennifer called Joshua amazing and he could do whatever he wanted. She called it a privilege to sit there and listen to Joshua. Steven said that is what is is all about; adding that he took it there and back. Host Ryan Seacrest said that he could feel the emotion in Joshua’s performance.
And now for the surprise reveal of the mystery man!!!
The guy the judges decided the bring back for a second chance is…
Jermaine Jones who performed the last hit song ever recorded by Luther Vandross – “Dance with My Father”. After a rousing applause Randy said that Jermaine had a unique and special voice. Jennifer said that she was glad America got to hear Jermaine sing and Steven thanked Jermaine for coming back and sharing his voice.
On Wednesday night girls will have their chance to impress fans with their performances and attempt to top the boys.