PayPal offers a secure service for purchasing items and sending money online. To use this service, register a major credit card to your PayPal account. Each time you purchase goods from a vendor that accepts PayPal as a form of payment, you can select your credit card. This prevents the vendor from seeing your credit card number and limits the amount of people with access to your financial information. PayPal currently accepts MasterCard, Visa, Discover and American Express.
Instructions: 1. Visit the PayPal website. Sign in to your account.
2. Place your mouse cursor over the "Profile" link of the My Account tab. A menu will drop down.
3. Click "Add or Edit Credit Card" from the drop-down menu. This opens the Credit and Debit Cards page.
4. Click "Add a Card."
5. Type your name, card number and card verification number in the appropriate boxes. Click the drop-down boxes to choose a card type and expiration date.
6. Type your billing address or choose the "Use This Address as Billing Address" option to use the information PayPal already has on file for you.
7. Click "Add Card."
8. Click "Profile" again.
9. Click either "My Money" in the panel on the left side of the screen or "Credit/Debit Cards" in the Financial Information section. This depends on which version of the PayPal profile your account uses. First check to see if you can find "My Money"; if not, use the other method.
10. Click "Link and Confirm My Card." Choose to "Save and Continue."
11. Review your next credit card statement or check your account online. PayPal places a temporary charge on your account along with a code. It may take several days to appear.
12. Sign back in to your PayPal.
13. Click the "Profile" tab.
14. Click either "Credit/Debit Cards" or "My Money."
15. Click the "Link and Confirm My Card" link beside the entry for your credit card.
16. Type the code from your credit card statement and click "Submit."