Web is full of Websites. Some of the websites we don’t want to open. We can block the websites in Mozilla Firefox easily. The most easiest and simplest way to block websites in Mozilla Firefox is by using free third party add-on known as Block Site. In Block Site we can add the websites in Blacksite and which will ban them and further we can’t access to that website. If you do’t want that anyone changes your Block Site settings, BlockSite has a “password protection” feature that helps prevent unwanted changes
STEPS TO INSTALL THE BLOCK SITE:1. Open Mozilla Firefox and then click ”Add-ons.”
2. Click on “Get Add-ons” and then on ”Browse All Add-ons.” Type “blocksite” in the search bar after the Mozilla Firefox add-ons website opens and hit “Enter.”
3. To install, Click on Continue to Download and then Download Now. Allow the add-on to load (usually fewer than 5 seconds), then click the “Install Now” button. Restart Firefox when prompted.
Click on Continue to Download
Click on Download
Click on Allow
Wait for Completion
Click on Install Now
Click on Restart Firefox Now
4. Now the time is for Activation. Goto “Add-ons”. Click the BlockSite “Options” button after Firefox restarts. Make sure the “Blacklist” radio button is ticked, as well as “Enable BlockSite,” “Enable warning messages” and “Enable link removal.”
5. Tick/Check “Enable authentication,” then enter a password if you would like to keep-away other users from changing the settings in BlockSite without your permission.
6. Last Step, Click the “Add” button, enter the URL of the website you would like to block, then click “OK.” Repeat this to add more sites you want to block. If you want to delete the list, click the “Clear” button to delete the list. Once the list of blocked sites is complete, click “OK” and restart Firefox for the Final Confirmation.
Conclusion:Installing only firefox browser and blocking websites , makes your child safer when they use internet . Make a list of blocking website and block those websites too. Its a easy and free way to block sites.