Information security is the process of protecting information. It protects its availability, privacy and integrity. Access to stored information on computer databases has increased greatly. More companies store business and individual information on computer than ever before. Much of the information stored is highly confidential and not for public viewing.
Many businesses are solely based on information stored in computers. Personal staff details, client lists, salaries, bank account details, marketing and sales information may all be stored on a database. Without this information, it would often be very hard for a business to operate. Information security systems need to be implemented to protect this information.
Effective information security systems incorporate a range of policies, security products, technologies and procedures. Software applications which provide firewall information security and virus scanners are not enough on their own to protect information. A set of procedures and systems needs to be applied to effectively deter access to information.
There are people who make a living from hacking or breaking through information security systems. They use their technological skills to break into computer systems and access private information. Firewalls, which are designed to prevent access to a computer's network, can be bypassed by a hacker with the right hardware. This could result in the loss of vital information, or a virus could be planted and erase all information. A computer hacker can gain access to a network if a firewall is shut down for only a minute.
One of the biggest potential threats to information security is the people who operate the computers. A workplace may have excellent information security systems in place, but security can be easily compromised. If a help desk worker gives out or resets passwords without verifying who the information is for, then anyone can easily gain access to the system. Computer operators should be made fully aware of the importance of security.
Simple security measures can be used by everyone to keep data secure. Changing passwords on your computer, and using combinations of letters and numbers, makes it harder for hackers to gain access. Also, do not keep a note of your password where it can be easily accessed. This is the same idea as not keeping you bank card and PIN number together. You would not want anyone to have access to the information or funds in your bank account, and it is the same with your computer.
There has never been such a thing as a totally secure system. Hackers will always find more sophisticated ways to gain access. However, with technology implementing higher levels of information security, such as iris recognition systems, security systems should keep them out for a little longer.