If you're a trailer junkie, you've no doubt been intrigued by Fox's cocky build up to Prometheus, Ridley Scott's first science fiction film since Blade Runner. Sure, there's nothing wrong with trying to build awareness that your trailer is about to hit, but Fox has been releasing 30 second teasers hyping this teaser for the past three days. And if you're asking people to watch a 90-second pitch for them to watch a trailer that itself is only 60-seconds long, it better be a damned good trailer.
Well, now that the final teaser is up on Apple, turns out the wait and hype was worth it. Sure, it doesn't tell us a lick about what the film is actually about (you'll have to rely on the official synopsis below for that), but it does accomplish two very important things very quickly. The first is that it once and for all removes any doubt that this is an Alien prequel. No, we don't glimpse any traditional xenomorphs in it, but that title font over those visuals will give any Alien fan heart palpitations. Secondly, it also confirms that the Ridley Scott that could pull off masterworks like Alien and Blade Runner hasn't disappeared, he's just been in cold storage. But now he's back and it looks like he's just getting warmed up.