Tuesday, December 13, 2011

How to Block a Website Using Firefox

The Internet hosts websites of all kinds including sites with illegal and adult content you may wish to block on your Firefox browser. You may wish to keep children or specific users from accessing particular gaming sites or social networking webpages as well. You can download the free BlockSite or LeechBlock Firefox add-ons which give you the ability to block webpages from a list you can edit. BlockSite also removes the ability to click on any links that lead to that webpage from other webpages on the Internet.


 BlockSite Add-on
1. Download and install the BlockSite add-on from the Firefox add-ons website.

2. Restart your Firefox browser when prompted during installation.

3. Click on the "Tools" menu in the Firefox browser and choose "Add-ons."

4. Find "BlockSite" in the list of Firefox add-ons and click the "Options" button. This will open up the BlockSite Preferences editor.

5. Click the "Add" button on the BlockSite Preferences editor.

6. Type in the URL of the website you want to add and press the "OK" button. You should now see that website listed in the white box labeled "Blacklist."

7. Repeat this process to add as many websites to the list as you need.

8. Check the box next to "Enable authentication" and type a password in the text box. This will allow you to password-protect the BlockSite Preferences so no one else can edit the blocked site list you create.

9. Press the "OK" button once you have finished making changes to the BlockSite Preferences. The websites you have placed in the list should now be blocked on your Firefox browser.

LeechBlock Add-on
1. Download and install the LeechBlock add-on from the Firefox add-ons website.

2. Restart your Firefox browser when prompted during installation.

3. Click on the "Tools" menu in the Firefox browser and choose "Add-ons."

4. Find "LeechBlock" in the list of Firefox add-ons and click the "Options" button. This will open up the LeechBlock options editor.

5. Type in the URLs of the websites you want to block in the text box provided on the "What to Block" tab. Enter each URL on a separate line.

6. Navigate to the "When to Block" tab and click the "All Day" and "Every Day" buttons.

7. Navigate to the "How to Block" tab and place a check mark next to "Actively block pages on those sites once time period is entered or time limit exceeded."

8. Press the "OK" button to save your settings and block the listed websites in your Firefox browser.