We use Internet in our day-to-day life activities and it has become a vital part in everyone’s life and has made life easy for its users. Internet enables the users to view and share information. It helps users in performing many important tasks like online shopping, electronic mail, online chat, file transfer, news, booking tickets, sharing information etc. We can download or upload important information such as videos, songs, movies, files, animation, images, software, games etc. But how much do we know about the Internet? Read on below for more information on Internet.
We all know that it is a global system of interconnected computer networks that use the standard Transmission Control and Internet Protocol suite to transmit data to users worldwide. It is a network of networks that consists of millions of private, public, academic, business, and government networks, of local to global scope, that are linked by extensive electronic, wireless and optical networking technologies. The Internet runs a huge chain of information resources and services like the documents linked via hypertext of the World Wide Web (WWW) and the infrastructure to support email.
The origin of Internet dates back to research of the 1960s, directed by the United States government in collaboration with Department of Defense to build a robust, and distributed computer networks. The research led to the development of Advanced Research Projects Agency or ARPA. ARPANET, the precursor to today's Internet was created with a network of four computers which became popular. Based on ARPANET technology, a prototype of Packet Switching routes was developed to connect computer networks and in later years, this led to development of the communication protocol networks. The concept of a world-wide network of interconnected Transmission Control and Internet Protocol networks called the Internet, short form of the technical term Internetwork was introduced.
The term World Wide Web is often coined with Internet without much distinction. The Web was created in 1989 by Tim Berners-Lee and there are currently over 103.6 million active domains on the World Wide Web. Web is one of the services communicated via Internet with web browsers and is a collection of interconnected documents, images and other resources connected by hyperlinks and referenced with Uniform Resource Locators - URL. It is a pool of human knowledge. The web browsers like Microsoft's Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Apple's Safari, and Google Chrome let you to navigate from one web page to another via hyperlinks embedded in the documents.
Blogging and socializing on the Internet has became popular with the use of Social Networking and blog sites like Facebook, Orkut, digg, reddit, Twitter and many others creating a social impact. Users of these sites are able to view and share common interests on web pages. Over six million people use blogs or social sites as a means of communication and for the sharing of ideas. Internet is a great outlet for entertainment and gaming activities. The most used language on Internet is English with the next subsequent languages to be Chinese and Spanish.
The most common modes of Internet access are dial-up lines, landline broadband based on DSL or fiber optics, Wi-Fi, satellite technology and 3G/4G technology for cell phones. Access to Internet can be availed by service providers and there are several prominent service providers plying in the market who provide fast and reliable Internet connection like Charter Internet to surf through the pages of the World Wide Web.
The advancement in Internet technology has redefined the traditional communication media including telephone and TV, leading way to new services such as Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and Internet Protocol (IPTV).