<script LANGUAGE="JavaScript">
<!-- Begin
var messages = new Array(6);
messages[0] = "";
messages[1] = "javascriptfreecode is a cool java site";
messages[2] = "Can you imagine how you could use it on your site?";
messages[3] = "It's great for sharing lots of information.";
messages[4] = "And doesn't take up much space! ";
messages[5] = "So, get the code and put it on your site!";
function messageReveal() {
var messageindex = document.messageForm.messagePick.selectedIndex
document.messageForm.messageField.value = messages[messageindex];
// End -->
<!-- STEP TWO: Put this code into the BODY of your HTML document -->
<form name="messageForm">
<p><select name="messagePick" OnChange="messageReveal()">
<option value="0">The Menu Message</option>
<option>SONY CARD 20</option>
<option>Possible uses?</option>
<option>Shares Information</option>
<option>Saves space</option>
<option>Get the code!</option>
</select> <br>
<p><textarea name="messageField" rows="5" cols="41" wrap="virtual"></textarea></p>
<!-- Begin
var messages = new Array(6);
messages[0] = "";
messages[1] = "javascriptfreecode is a cool java site";
messages[2] = "Can you imagine how you could use it on your site?";
messages[3] = "It's great for sharing lots of information.";
messages[4] = "And doesn't take up much space! ";
messages[5] = "So, get the code and put it on your site!";
function messageReveal() {
var messageindex = document.messageForm.messagePick.selectedIndex
document.messageForm.messageField.value = messages[messageindex];
// End -->
<!-- STEP TWO: Put this code into the BODY of your HTML document -->
<form name="messageForm">
<p><select name="messagePick" OnChange="messageReveal()">
<option value="0">The Menu Message</option>
<option>SONY CARD 20</option>
<option>Possible uses?</option>
<option>Shares Information</option>
<option>Saves space</option>
<option>Get the code!</option>
</select> <br>
<p><textarea name="messageField" rows="5" cols="41" wrap="virtual"></textarea></p>
sample output: